Westiepoo Dog Breed – Characteristics & Temperament

A happy Westiepoo playing in a park, running on green grass with trees and a clear blue sky in the background, showcasing a joyful and energetic atmos (1)

The Westiepoo is a delightful hybrid dog breed, known for its charming looks and friendly personality. This breed is a mix between the West Highland White Terrier and the Poodle, often a miniature or toy poodle. These dogs are adored for their intelligence, playfulness, and adaptability, making them a great companion for various types of households, including families, singles, and seniors.

Westiepoos are typically small to medium-sized dogs, combining the best traits of both parent breeds. They are often praised for their hypoallergenic coats and their affectionate, social nature. This breed has gained popularity over the years as a designer dog, appealing to those who want a loyal and loving pet that fits well into different living environments.

History and Origin

The West Highland White Terrier, also known as the Westie, originated in Scotland and was initially bred to hunt vermin and small animals. These terriers were valued for their bravery and tenacity. Over time, they became beloved pets due to their friendly disposition and manageable size. The Westie has a distinctive white coat, a feature that was bred into them to help distinguish them from other animals during hunts.

The Poodle has a long and storied history, believed to have originated in Germany as a water retriever. Poodles were later refined in France, where they became popular as both hunting dogs and companions. Known for their intelligence and elegant appearance, Poodles come in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. Their hypoallergenic coat is one of their most prized features, making them a favorite among people with allergies.

The Westiepoo is a relatively new hybrid breed, likely developed in the United States in the past few decades. The goal was to combine the Westie’s lively and friendly nature with the Poodle’s intelligence and hypoallergenic coat. This combination has made the Westiepoo a popular choice for those looking for a versatile and affectionate pet.

Physical Characteristics

Close-up images showcasing different coat types and colors of Westiepoos. One with a curly coat, one with a wavy coat, and one with a wiry coat. Backg (1)

The Westiepoo is a small to medium-sized dog, typically standing between 11 to 17 inches tall and weighing between 20 to 35 pounds. They have a compact and sturdy build, inheriting the muscular structure of the Westie and the elegant proportions of the Poodle. Their eyes are usually dark and expressive, giving them a sweet and engaging look.

Their coats can vary greatly, depending on which parent breed they take after more. Westiepoos can have curly, wavy, or wiry fur. The coat length is generally medium, and the texture can be either soft like a Poodle’s or more coarse like a Westie’s. The variety in coat types means that grooming needs can differ, but regular brushing is typically required to prevent matting and tangling.

Coat colors in Westiepoos can include:

  • White
  • Cream
  • Apricot
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Gold
  • Yellow

Most Westiepoos inherit a white or cream coat from their Westie parent, but the range of Poodle colors allows for more diversity. This breed is also known for its low-shedding coat, which is a significant advantage for those who prefer a cleaner home and fewer allergy issues.

Temperament and Personality

A Westiepoo interacting with children and other pets in a backyard setting. The children are playing and laughing, and there are other pets like a cat (1)

The Westiepoo is renowned for its friendly and social nature. These dogs love to be around people and are known to form strong bonds with their families. Their outgoing personality makes them great companions for both children and other pets. This breed is generally very tolerant and enjoys playing, which makes them a hit in households with active kids.

One of the standout traits of the Westiepoo is its intelligence. They inherit this quality from their Poodle parent, which is known to be one of the smartest dog breeds. This intelligence makes them highly trainable. They can quickly learn new commands and tricks, which is a delight for any dog owner. Consistent, positive reinforcement is key to training them effectively.

Westiepoos are also known for their playfulness and high energy levels. They love engaging in various activities and require regular playtime to stay happy. Whether it’s a game of fetch or a playful run in the yard, they thrive on interaction and exercise.

However, potential owners should be aware of the breed’s potential for separation anxiety. Westiepoos do not like being left alone for long periods and can become anxious if they feel neglected. This can lead to behaviors like excessive barking or chewing. Therefore, it’s important to ensure they receive plenty of attention and are not left alone for too long.

Living Needs and Environment

The Westiepoo is highly adaptable to various living environments, making it a suitable pet for both urban and suburban settings. They can thrive in apartments as well as houses with yards. Their small to medium size allows them to adjust comfortably to smaller living spaces, provided they get enough exercise.

This breed is compatible with a wide range of owners, including families, singles, and seniors. Their friendly nature and moderate exercise needs make them a good fit for different lifestyles. Westiepoos enjoy the company of their human family members and are known to be quite affectionate.

When it comes to exercise requirements, Westiepoos need daily walks and playtime. They are active dogs that enjoy physical activity, which helps keep them healthy and happy. A 30-minute walk combined with some interactive play should be sufficient to meet their exercise needs. Mental stimulation is equally important for this intelligent breed. Puzzle toys, training sessions, and varied activities can help keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom.

Westiepoos are known to thrive in environments where they can receive ample attention and stimulation. If you work long hours or are frequently away from home, consider hiring a dog walker or enrolling your dog in a daycare to ensure they are not left alone for extended periods.

Grooming and Maintenance

Step-by-step images of grooming a Westiepoo. Show brushing, trimming, and bathing. Each step is clearly illustrated, with the dog looking calm and coo (1)

Taking care of a Westiepoo’s coat is relatively easy, but it does require regular maintenance. Depending on whether their coat is curly, wavy, or wiry, brushing should be done at least a few times a week to prevent mats and tangles. Regular trimming may also be necessary, especially around the eyes and ears, to keep them looking neat and tidy.

Bathing your Westiepoo every four to six weeks will help keep their coat clean and free from dirt and debris. Using a dog-specific shampoo will ensure their skin and fur stay healthy.

Dental care is crucial for maintaining your Westiepoo’s overall health. Regular brushing of their teeth with a pet-safe toothpaste can help prevent dental diseases, which are common in small breeds. Providing dental chews and regular vet check-ups for teeth cleaning are also recommended.

Ear and nail care are other important aspects of grooming. The hair around the ears should be kept trimmed to prevent infections, and their ears should be checked regularly for signs of redness or discharge. Nails should be trimmed regularly to prevent overgrowth, which can cause discomfort and potential injury.

Health and Common Issues

A Westiepoo during a veterinary check-up. The dog is on the examination table with a vet checking its health, looking attentive and professional. The (1)

The Westiepoo is generally a healthy breed with a lifespan ranging from 12 to 15 years. However, like all breeds, they can be prone to certain health issues. Being aware of these potential problems can help you take proactive steps to ensure your dog stays healthy.

Common Health Issues:

  • Epilepsy: This neurological disorder can cause seizures. While there is no cure, medications can help manage the condition.
  • Hip Dysplasia: This genetic condition affects the hip joint and can lead to arthritis. Maintaining a healthy weight and providing joint supplements can help manage this issue.
  • Skin Problems: Westiepoos can be prone to allergies and skin infections. Regular grooming and a healthy diet can minimize these problems.
  • Cardiac Disease: Regular check-ups can help detect heart problems early. Ensuring your dog gets enough exercise and maintains a healthy diet is essential.

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to catch any health issues early. Vets can provide vaccinations, dental care, and health screenings to keep your Westiepoo in top shape.

Tips for Maintaining Health and Preventing Obesity:

  • Balanced Diet: Feed your Westiepoo high-quality food and avoid overfeeding.
  • Regular Exercise: Ensure they get daily walks and playtime.
  • Weight Management: Monitor their weight and adjust their diet as needed.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced meal suitable for a Westiepoo, featuring a bowl of high-quality dog food with real meat, fruits, and vegetables. The background is a clean (1)

A proper diet is essential for the health and well-being of your Westiepoo. Feeding them high-quality food that contains real meat as the primary ingredient is crucial. Look for dog foods that list chicken, beef, or fish as the first ingredient.

Recommended Diet:

  • High-Quality Food: Choose brands that use real meat and avoid fillers like corn and soy.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: These provide essential vitamins and minerals. Options like blueberries, carrots, and spinach are great additions to their diet.


  • Chemical Preservatives: These can be harmful in the long run. Opt for natural preservatives like vitamin E.
  • Feeding Schedule and Portion Control: Stick to a regular feeding schedule and avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity. Measure out portions according to your dog’s size and activity level.

Training and Socialization

A Westiepoo during a training session, learning a command. The dog is focused on the trainer, who is giving a command with a treat in hand. The backgr (1)

Early socialization and training are crucial for a well-behaved and happy Westiepoo. Exposing them to different environments, people, and other animals at a young age helps them grow into well-adjusted adults.

Importance of Early Socialization:

  • Helps prevent behavioral issues.
  • Makes them comfortable around strangers and other pets.

Training Techniques:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats and praise. This method is effective and builds a strong bond between you and your dog.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with commands and rules to avoid confusion.

Common Commands and Tricks:

  • Basic Commands: Teach them to sit, stay, come, and heel. These are essential for safety and control.
  • Fun Tricks: Engage their intelligence with tricks like roll over, play dead, and fetch.

Socializing with Other Dogs and Pets:

  • Arrange playdates with other dogs.
  • Take them to dog parks to interact with different dogs.
  • Introduce them to other pets in the household gradually.

Fun Facts and Trivia

The Westiepoo is also known by alternative names such as Westiedoodle and Wee-Poo. This hybrid breed has some notable parent breeds that have been owned by celebrities. For example, Al Pacino and Betty White have owned West Highland White Terriers, while many celebrities, including Elvis Presley and Elizabeth Taylor, have adored Poodles.

Westiepoos are known for their unique traits and behaviors, such as their playful nature and intelligence. They are also quite adaptable and can live comfortably in both apartments and larger homes.


Are Westiepoos hypoallergenic?

Westiepoos are often considered hypoallergenic due to their Poodle heritage. However, no dog is completely hypoallergenic. They do tend to shed less, making them a better choice for people with allergies.

How much exercise does a Westiepoo need?

Westiepoos have moderate exercise needs. They require daily walks and playtime to stay healthy and happy. Typically, a 30-minute walk combined with some play sessions is enough to meet their exercise needs.

Are Westiepoos good with children?

Yes, Westiepoos are generally good with children. They are friendly, social, and enjoy playing, which makes them great companions for kids. Their affectionate nature means they get along well with other pets too.

What are common health issues in Westiepoos?

Like all breeds, Westiepoos can be prone to certain health issues, including:

  • Epilepsy: Can cause seizures but manageable with medication.
  • Hip Dysplasia: Affects the hip joint, leading to arthritis.
  • Skin Problems: Allergies and infections can occur.
  • Cardiac Disease: Regular vet check-ups can help detect early signs.

How often should I groom my Westiepoo?

Grooming needs for a Westiepoo can vary depending on their coat type. Generally, they should be brushed a few times a week to prevent matting. Regular bathing every four to six weeks. 

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