Ultimate Guide to Crate Train Mini Goldendoodle Puppies: Tips for Success

Training Mini Goldendoodle Puppies

Are you guys thinking about crate-training mini Goldendoodle puppies? I know, I know – you’re probably thinking, “Do I need to bother with this?” Trust me, I’ve been there. But let me tell you, crate training is a game-changer.

Why? Well, it’s not just about giving your pup a cosy spot to chill. It’s about creating a safe space, helping with potty training, and even making travel easier. Plus, it gives you some peace of mind when you can’t keep an eye on your furry little tornado. So, ready to dive in and make life easier for both you and your Goldendoodle? Let’s get started!

Essential Crate Train Mini Goldendoodle Puppies Tips

A cozy living room where a Goldendoodle puppy is inside a crate with the door open. The puppy is happily playing with toys inside the crate, and there

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of crate training your Goldendoodle. First up, safety is key. Never leave your pup unsupervised outside the crate – they’re like toddlers with fur and sharp teeth!

A. Potty Breaks

Now, potty breaks. Your Goldendoodle’s bladder is tiny, so frequent trips outside are a must. A good rule? Take them out after meals, naps, and playtime.

B. Time Limits for Crate Confinement

How long can they stay in the crate? Here’s a quick trick: take their age in months and add one. That’s how many hours they can hold it. So a 2-month-old pup? About 3 hours max.

AgeDaytime Crate DurationNighttime Crate DurationTraining Focus
8-10 weeks30-60 minutes6-7 hoursIntroduction, short stays
11-14 weeks1-3 hours7-8 hoursExtending duration
15-16 weeks3-4 hours8-9 hoursBuilding routine
4-6 months4-5 hours9-10 hoursReinforcing habits
Crate Training Timeline

C. Connection to Potty Training

Here’s the cool part – crate training and potty training go hand in hand. Your pup won’t want to soil their sleeping area, so the crate helps teach them to hold it. It’s like potty training on autopilot!

Remember, consistency is your best friend here. Stick to a schedule, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your Goldendoodle catches on.

Choosing the Right Crate

A living room with a Goldendoodle puppy being introduced to a crate. The crate is open, and the puppy is sniffing around, with treats and toys placed

Okay, let’s talk about picking the perfect crate for your Goldendoodle. It’s not one-size-fits-all, folks!

Wire Dog Creates vs. Plastic Crates

First up, wire crates vs plastic ones. Wire crates are great because they’re airy and you can throw a blanket over them for a den feel. Plus, many come with dividers – super handy as your pup grows. Plastic crates? They’re cosier and better for travel, but less versatile.

Crate Sizes for Different Goldendoodle Types

Now, size matters. You want your Goldendoodle to have enough room to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. But not so much space they can use one corner as a loo!

Here’s a quick size guide:

  • Petite Goldendoodle: Go for a 24-inch crate
  • Mini Goldendoodle: A 30-inch crate should do the trick
  • Medium Goldendoodle: You’re looking at a 36-inch crate
  • Standard Goldendoodle: Depending on their size, 36 to 42 inches

But here’s a pro tip: if you’re not sure, go bigger and use a divider. You can adjust it as your pup grows, saving you some quid in the long run.

Goldendoodle SizeCrate SizeMax Crate Time (4 months old)Favourite Crate Toy
Petite24″5 hoursPlush squeaky toy
Mini30″5 hoursKong with treats
Medium36″5 hoursPuzzle ball
Standard36-42″5 hoursChew bone
Crate Accessories by Goldendoodle Age

Travel Crates

Thinking about travel? That’s a whole different ball game. For car trips or flights, you’ll want a sturdy plastic crate that’s a bit smaller than your home crate. It should be snug but not cramped.

Remember, your Goldendoodle’s crate is their personal space. Make it comfy, make it safe, and they’ll love it. Trust me, a well-chosen crate makes all the difference in training. Your pup (and your sanity) will thank you!

Step-by-Step Crate Training Process

A living room where a Goldendoodle puppy is inside a crate with the door open. The crate is cozy with bedding, toys, and treats inside.

Alright, let’s dive into crate training your Goldendoodle. It’s not rocket science, but it does take a bit of know-how and patience. Let’s break it down, shall we?

Gradual Introduction

Gradual introduction is the name of the game. Don’t just shove your pup in there and hope for the best. Start by making the crate a part of your home. Put it somewhere your Goldendoodle hangs out, like the living room. Leave the door open, toss in a comfy blanket, and let your pup check it out on their terms.

Also Read: Best Methods for Whelping Mini Goldendoodle Puppies

Positive Associations

Now, let’s talk about positive associations. This is where the fun begins. Every time your Goldendoodle goes near the crate, give them a treat. It’s like saying, “Hey, good things happen when you’re around this box!” Use high-value treats – the good stuff they don’t get every day.

Games and Play

but it’s not just about food. Play is crucial too. Try this: toss their favourite toy into the crate and let them fetch it. Or hide treats inside for them to find. Make the crate the most exciting place in the house.

Short Confinement Periods

Once they’re cool with the crate, start with short confinement periods. We’re talking a few minutes at first. Give them a special chew toy that they only get in the crate. Close the door, hang out nearby, and open it before they get antsy. Gradually increase the time as they get more comfortable.

Consistent Crate Sessions

Consistency is key. Have regular crate sessions every day. Maybe it’s while you’re cooking dinner or taking a shower. The goal is to make it part of their routine.

Visible vs. Out-of-Sight Training

Now, here’s a tricky bit: visible vs. out-of-sight training. Start with the crate where they can see you. As they get more comfortable, move it out of sight for short periods. This helps prevent separation anxiety down the line.

Remember, every Goldendoodle is different. Some might take to the crate in a day, others might need a few weeks. Don’t rush it. If they whine, wait for a moment of quiet before you let them out. Otherwise, they’ll learn that whining gets them freed.

Use a Specific Word or Phrase

Here’s a pro tip: use a specific word or phrase when it’s crate time. I use “bedtime” with my Goldendoodle. Say it in a happy voice, and soon they’ll associate it with crate time.

Make the Create Comfy

And don’t forget to make the crate comfy. A soft bed, a toy or two, maybe an old t-shirt that smells like you. You want it to feel like their den, not a jail cell.

Don’t use Crate as Punishment.

Lastly, never use the crate as punishment. It should be their safe space, not a time-out zone. Stick with it, keep it positive, and before you know it, your Goldendoodle will be happily trotting into its crate on command. It’s a game-changer for potty training, travel, and giving your pup a space to chill out.

Remember, crate training isn’t about confining your dog. It’s about giving them a safe, comfy space of their own. Do it right, and your Goldendoodle will love its crate. And trust me, when you see them voluntarily napping in there, you’ll feel like you’ve won the dog training lottery!

Advanced Crate Training Techniques

Advanced Crate Training Techniques

Alright, you’ve got the basics down. Now let’s level up your crate training game!

Feeding in the Create

First up, feed in the crate. It’s a brilliant way to make your Goldendoodle love their space. Start by putting their bowl just inside the door. As they get comfy, move it further back. Soon, they’ll be chowing down happily inside.

Crate Commands

Now, let’s talk commands. Pick a word like “crate” or “bed”. Use it every time you want them to go in. Say it cheerfully, point to the crate and reward them when they enter. Before long, they’ll be racing in at your cue.

Increasing Confinement Duration

Increasing confinement duration is tricky. Start small – maybe 5 minutes. Then 10, 15, and so on. Always end on a high note. If they’re calm for 20 minutes, don’t push for 30. Quit while you’re ahead.

Dealing with Whining and Barking

Dealing with whining and barking? Tough one. The key is to ignore it. I know, it’s hard. But giving in teaches them that noise = freedom. Wait for a moment of quiet, then let them out. Reward the silence, not the racket.

Here’s a sneaky trick: cover the crate with a blanket. It can calm them down and reduce stimulation. Just make sure it’s not too hot in there.

Remember, patience is key. Some days will be better than others. That’s normal. Stick with it, and you’ll have a Goldendoodle who sees their crate as a cosy retreat, not a doggy jail.

Keep at it, and before you know it, your furry friend will be a crate-training pro!

Common Challenges and Solutions

A living room with a Goldendoodle puppy being fed inside a crate. The puppy is happily eating, with the crate door open and cozy bedding inside.

Alright, let’s tackle some common hiccups you might face when crate training your Goldendoodle.

Separation Anxiety

First up, is separation anxiety. If your pup’s having a meltdown when you leave, try this: give them a special toy only for crate time. Start with short absences and build up. Don’t make a big fuss when you leave or return.

Resistance to Entering the Crate

What if your Goldendoodle refuses to go in? Make the crate irresistible. Toss in high-value treats, or their favorite toy, or even feed them in there. Never force them in – that’ll just make things worse.

Accidents in the Crate

Accidents in the crate? It happens. Clean it thoroughly to remove the smell. Then, check your schedule. Your pup might need more frequent potty breaks. Remember, they can usually hold it for their age for months plus one hour.

The key to all these challenges? Patience and consistency. Stay calm, keep at it, and your Goldendoodle will get there. You’ve got this!

Best Practices for Long-Term Success

Right, let’s talk about keeping your Goldendoodle’s crate training on point for the long haul.

  1. First off, never use the crate as punishment. It’s not a naughty corner. If you do, your pup will start to hate it. The crate should be their happy place, not doggy jail.
  2. Next up, respect their space. When your Goldendoodle’s in their crate, it’s their den. Don’t let kids poke at them or constantly bother them. It’s like someone barging into your bedroom – not cool, right?
  3. Consistency is key. Stick to your routine. If you’re wishy-washy about crate time, your pup will get confused. Be clear and stick to your guns.
  4. Now, here’s a biggie – exercise and brain games. A tired Goldendoodle is a good Goldendoodle. Make sure they get plenty of walks and playtime. Throw in some puzzle toys or training sessions too. It’ll wear them out and make crate time easier.
  5. Remember, a well-exercised pup is more likely to see its crate as a cosy spot for a nap, not a boring prison.

Keep these tips in mind, and your Goldendoodle will be a crate-training champ for life. It’s all about making the crate a positive part of their day, every day.

Create Training of Mini Goldendoodle Puppies For Different Purposes

Let’s chat about why crate training is so handy. It’s not just about giving your Goldendoodle a spot to snooze.

  • First up, housebreaking. Your pup won’t want to soil their den, so the crate helps them learn to hold it. It’s like potty training on autopilot. Just remember to take them out often!
  • Travelling with your furry friend? A crate-trained Goldendoodle is a breeze to transport. They’re comfy in their mobile den, whether it’s a car ride or a flight.
  • At home, the crate becomes their haven. It’s somewhere they can chill when things get hectic. Are kids being noisy? Visitors over? Your Goldendoodle has a quiet retreat.
  • The best part? These benefits work together. A pup who’s comfy in its crate at home will be more relaxed travelling. And a dog who sees their crate as a safe space is easier to housebreak.

So, crate training isn’t just one thing – it’s a Swiss Army knife for dog owners. Pretty cool, right?

Also Read: Health Screenings in Mini Goldendoodle Before Breeding


So, there you have it – the ins and outs of crate train Goldendoodle. Remember, it’s all about making the crate a positive space, not a punishment zone. Start slow, be consistent, and keep it fun.

The key takeaways? Choose the right size crate, introduce it gradually, use lots of treats and praise, and respect your pup’s personal space. Don’t forget to exercise them plenty too – a tired Goldendoodle is a happy crate-user!

Look, it might take some time. Some days will be tougher than others. But stick with it. Before you know it, your Goldendoodle will be happily trotting into their crate on command. Trust me, it’s worth the effort!

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