Portuguese Water Dog | Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dogs are smart, active, and love water. They are pretty special, and I will tell you all about them. They’re not just cute and cuddly – they’re working dogs with a rich history. So, let’s dive in and see what makes these dogs so unique.

Breed Overview

  • GROUP: Working
  • WEIGHT: 35 to 60 pounds (16 to 27 kg)
  • COAT: Wavy or tightly curled
  • COAT COLOR: Black, brown, white, or combinations
  • LIFE SPAN: 10 to 14 years
  • TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, energetic, affectionate, playful
  • HYPOALLERGENIC: Yes (low-shedding)
  • ORIGIN: Portugal

Origin and History Of Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dogs, or “Porties” have been around for ages. They come from Portugal and were bred to help fishermen. These dogs were like the Swiss Army knives of the sea – they’d herd fish into nets, retrieve lost gear, and even swim messages between boats. Pretty cool, right?

The breed almost died out in the early 1900s, but a wealthy Portuguese dog lover named Vasco Bensaude stepped in to save them. Fast forward to the 1970s, and these dogs made their way to the US. They’ve been making a splash ever since!

Physical Characteristics

Porties are medium-sized dogs with a muscular build. They’re about 50-60 cm tall and weigh between 16-27 kg. But what stands out is their coat. It’s thick, waterproof, and can be either wavy or curly. They come in black, white, or various shades of brown.

They’ve got webbed feet! It’s like they’re wearing built-in flippers, which makes them awesome swimmers.

Temperament and Personality

Portuguese Water Dogs are smart cookies, and they love to be around people. They’re playful, energetic, and always up for an adventure.  These dogs need a job to do, or they might get bored and start causing mischief. They’re great with kids and other pets if they’re socialized early. And if you’re looking for a watchdog, they’ve got your back – they’ll let you know if someone’s at the door.

Portuguese Water Dog Caring

Exercise Requirements

  • Daily Exercise Needs: These dogs need a good amount of exercise every day. We’re talking about at least an hour of active play or exercise. If you’re a couch potato, this might not be the breed for you.
  • Suitable Activities: Swimming is like their superpower. But they also love long walks, runs, or games of fetch. They’ll be your best friend.
  • Mental Stimulation: Portuguese Water Dogs aren’t just physically active, they need mental workouts too. Puzzle toys, training sessions, or even hiding treats around the house can keep their minds sharp. Trust me, a bored Portie is a recipe for chaos!

Training and Socialization

Portuguese Water Dogs are super smart and eager to please. This combo makes them pretty easy to train. They pick up new commands quickly and love learning new tricks. When it comes to obedience training, consistency is key. Start early and keep it positive. These dogs respond well to praise and treats. And remember, they’re working dogs at heart – they love having a job to do.

Socialisation is crucial for Porties. Expose them to different people, animals, and situations from a young age. This helps them grow into well-rounded adults. Take them to puppy classes, dog parks, or even just for walks in busy areas.

Grooming and Maintenance

  • Coat types and care: Portuguese Water Dogs have two coat types: wavy or curly. Both need regular care to keep them looking good. They don’t shed much, which is great if you’re not a fan of dog hair everywhere.
  • Bathing and brushing frequency: You’ll need to brush your Portie at least a few times a week to prevent matting. As for baths, once a month is usually enough unless they’ve been rolling in something smelly. After swimming, give them a good rinse to get rid of any chlorine or salt.
  • Professional grooming needs: Every 4-8 weeks, your Portie will need a trip to the groomer. They’ll need a trim to keep their coat manageable. Some owners go for the “lion clip”, where the back half of the dog is shaved. It looks pretty cool if you ask me!

Nutrition and Feeding

Portuguese Water Dogs need a balanced diet rich in protein to fuel their active lifestyle. Look for high-quality dog food that’s appropriate for their age and activity level. And don’t forget about those omega-3 fatty acids – they’re great for keeping that coat shiny.

Most adult Porties do well with two meals a day. Puppies might need three or four smaller meals. Always have fresh water available, especially after exercise.

Some Portuguese Water Dogs can be sensitive to certain foods. Common allergens include beef, dairy, wheat, and chicken. If you notice any signs of allergies – like itching or tummy troubles – chat with your vet about switching up their diet.

Portuguese Water Dogs are not low-maintenance pups, but for the right owner, they’re brilliant companions. They’re as happy in the water as fish, so get ready for some splashing good times!

Portuguese Health Considerations

Common Health Issues

Keep your Portie in tip-top shape. Like all breeds, Portuguese Water Dogs can be prone to certain health issues. Don’t freak out, though – not every dog will get these problems, but it’s good to know what to watch for.

  • Hip dysplasia: First up, is hip dysplasia. It’s a fancy way of saying their hip joints don’t fit together quite right. If your Portie seems a bit stiff or doesn’t want to jump around as much, it might be worth checking out.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy: Swimming is like their superpower. But they also love long walks, runs, or games of fetch. They’ll be your best friend.
  • Addison’s disease: Lastly, there’s Addison’s disease. It messes with their hormone levels and can make them tired, sick, or just not themselves. Keep an eye out for any sudden changes in behaviour or appetite.

Preventive Care

There’s plenty you can do to keep your Portie healthy and happy.

  • Regular vet check-ups: First regular vet visits. It’s like an MOT for your dog. Aim for at least once a year, more often for puppies or older dogs.
  • Vaccinations: Keep those vaccinations up to date. It’s your dog’s best defence against nasty diseases. Your vet can sort you out with a schedule.
  • Dental care: Brush your dog’s teeth regularly – daily if you can manage it. It’ll save you a fortune in doggy dentist bills down the line.
portuguese water dog as pets

Portuguese Water Dog – Hypoallergenic Properties

As we know there is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog. But some breeds, like Porties, are better for allergy sufferers. Why? It’s all about the coat.

Portuguese Water Dogs don’t shed much, and when they do, their hair tends to fall out in clumps rather than flying all over the place. This means less dander (the stuff that causes allergies) floating around your home.

If you’ve got allergies but want a dog, a Portie might be a good choice. But here’s a tip – spend some time with one before you commit. Everyone’s allergies are different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Remember, even with a low-shedding breed like the Portie, you’ll still need to groom them regularly to keep allergens at bay. It’s a bit of work, but for dog lovers with allergies, it can be well worth it.

Portuguese Water Dog – Activities and Sports 

Water-based Activities

If you’ve got a Portie, you’d better get used to getting wet! These dogs love water more than fish. Swimming is their jam, and it’s a brilliant way to keep them fit and happy. Whether it’s a pool, lake, or the sea, your Portie will be in doggy heaven.

Dock diving is a sport where dogs jump off a dock into the water, competing for distance or height. Porties excel at this, thanks to their love of water and athletic build. It’s a blast to watch and even more fun to participate in.

Agility and Obedience Competitions

Porties aren’t just water babies – they’re super smart too. Agility courses are like playground heaven for these dogs. They love zooming through tunnels, leaping over jumps, and weaving through poles. Obedience competitions are another great option. Your Portie will love showing off their skills and impressing the crowd.

Therapy and Service Work

With their gentle nature and intelligence, Porties make fantastic therapy and service dogs. They’ve got the patience and empathy to work with people who need a bit of extra support. It’s a rewarding job for both the dog and the owner.

Hiking and Outdoor Adventures

If you’re an outdoorsy type, a Portie will be right there with you. They love a good hike or camping trip. Just remember to bring plenty of water and maybe a portable doggy shower – they’ve got a knack for finding mud!

Adopting or Buying a Portuguese Water Dog

Finding Reputable Breeders

If you’re set on getting a Portie pup, make sure you find a reputable breeder. Look for someone who health tests their dogs and is happy to answer all your questions. A good breeder will want to know about you too – they care where their pups end up.

Adoption from Rescue Organizations

Don’t forget about adoption! There are Portie rescue organizations out there. You might find an adult dog who’s already trained and ready to be your new best mate. Plus, you’ll be giving a dog a second chance at a happy home.


Porties aren’t cheap – whether you’re buying or adopting. You’re looking at anywhere from £1,000 to £2,500 for a pup from a breeder. Adoption fees are usually lower, but remember, the initial cost is just the start. Factor in food, vet bills, grooming, and all that fun stuff.

Portuguese Water Dogs FAQs

They can be, but they’re high-energy and need lots of training. If you’re up for the challenge and have time to spare, go for it!

At least an hour of active exercise, plus playtime and mental stimulation.

They’re not excessive barkers, but they will alert you to visitors or unusual noises.

Not for long periods. They’re social dogs and can get anxious or destructive if left alone too much.

Brush them 2-3 times a week, and plan for a full groom every 4-8 weeks.

With proper introduction and socialization, most Porties can live happily with cats.


Portuguese Water Dogs are brilliant pets for active families who’ve got time and love to spare. They’re smart, fun, and always up for an adventure. If you’re ready for a dog that’ll keep you on your toes and fill your days with joy, a Portie might just be your perfect match.

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